Редактор: Georges Binder The history of the Asian high-rise building can be traced back to 1935 with the Bank of China in Hong Kong and the Broadway Mansions in Shanghai From 1950, Hong Kong became onаэдаыe of the few cities in the world at the time, together with New York and Chicago, to develop itself intensively towards the sky Since then Asia boasts some of the most impressive and tallest buildings in the world "Tall Buildings of Asia & Australia" feблйкйatures projects by Pacific Rim firms including Architects Pacific, CY Lee & Partners, Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers, Harry Seidler & Associates, Nikken Sekkei, P&T Group, Rocco Design, TR Hamzah & Yeang, Wong & Ouyang, Wong Tung & Partners, just to name a few In addition, projects from major international players in the architecture field, including Cesar Pelli & Associates, Foster and Partners, IM Pei & Partners, John Poбсетюrtman & Associates, Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill are also featured in "Tall Buildings of Asia & Australia" "Tall Buildings of Asia & Australia" is a spectacular selection of the tallest and most fascinating skyscrapers that have been constructed in Asia in the past three decades, particularly those built in the 1990s The book aims to spread awareness of buildings of outstanding value and that represent, more than other buildings around the world, a regional character The book also previews future projects for the Asian region, with many of these destined to become landmarks Формат: 22,5 см х 30,5 см Иллюстрации.