100 Dream Houses from Down Under Издательство: Images Publishing Group, 2008 г Суперобложка, 348 стр ISBN 9781864703016 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации инфо 7388a.

This book looks exclusively at the finest examples of contemporary residences from Australian and New Zealand designers and architects From award-winning luxury residences, to simple beach shacks, inner-city аэвслapartments, rural retreats and family homes, these 100 homes reflect the way we live, or aspire to live in the 21st century This entirely new list of homes reflects the wide variety and originality of talent and design direction that is on offer in both countries, andблилх just why the ‘Down Under’ vernacular is so appealing and influential around the world 100 Top Houses from Down Under is the follow-up title to popular book 100 Top Houses from Down Under Edited by Robyn Beaver, editor of international best-selling The New 100 Houses by 100 Architects, 100 More of the World’s Best Houses and earlier Another 100 of the World’s Best Houses Формат: 28,5 см x 28,5 см Иллюстрации Автор Робин Бивер (автор, редактор) Robyn Beaver.